What’s up with your name?
Our name is a nod to the vast array of amazing farms we are surrounded by, many of whom participate in the CSA model (Community Supported Agriculture), which enables customers to buy a weekly farm ‘share’ of produce.
How do you ship?
We ship our coffee through the United States Postal Service. Based on your location, we use either First-Class or Priority Mail.
What does shipping cost?
Shipping is included in the price of your weekly share.
Can I change the frequency of delivery?
We believe so strongly in the power of super-fresh coffee that we only deliver to you weekly what you will drink in 4 to 10 days. If we sent you enough coffee for two weeks--or even worse an entire month--it would begin to lose it's vibrancy before you could finish half of it.
Think of it like this: You'd never buy a month's worth of farmstand veggies at a single time. Likewise, we can't let you drink stale coffee. You can easily change the amount we deliver weekly from your dashboard.
Can I pause my subscription?
Of course you can, anytime. You won't be billed or sent coffee until you resume your account.
But why not share it with a friend? The same way you would with your weekly farm share if you were out of town, or abstaining from vegetables for a week. Just add a new shipping address for that week's coffee delivery.
Do you ship internationally?
Because of our commitment to freshness, we do not ship internationally.
When will I be charged?
You have the option to be billed weekly, every four weeks, or every 26 weeks. If you choose weekly, your card will be charged two days prior to roast day. For example, if your order is scheduled to roast and ship on a Monday, you will be charged on Saturday.
What is your return policy?
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason contact us and we will make it right.
Subscription Options
Can I make a one-time purchase?
Our coffee is only available as part of a subscription (weekly share). Our company is specifically designed to deliver super fresh coffee to weekly shareholders.
How fresh will my coffee be when I receive it?
We roast and ship our coffee on the same day. No exceptions. Depending on where you live, you will receive your coffee in 1 to 3 days.
Do you ship whole bean or pre-ground coffee?
We only ship our coffee whole bean to keep all of that super-fresh flavor intact.
Can I change the type of coffee I receive?
Absolutely! Whenever you want. Simply log into your account prior to 11:59pm on Sunday night before we roast your coffee.
Can I change the amount of coffee I receive?
Absolutely! Whenever you want. Simply log into your account prior to 11:59pm on Sunday night before we roast your coffee. This is even possible with prepaid subscriptions.
This week, the back of my bag says my coffee is different than last week's. Why?
Coffee is a crop, and crop cycles vary around the world. We are committed to bringing you coffee from the most recent and freshest harvest. We'll always try to match the flavor profile of the coffee type (Comfort or Adventure) you've chosen, but you can easily switch it to another available offering from your dashboard.
Do you sell larger-sized bags?
Our bags are adorable, and functional. We use the 6 ounce bag for two very important reasons:
•Freshness. Once your super fresh coffee is exposed to air its special flavors and aromas begin to decline. By not opening that second or third bag until you need it, you keep that coffee at its freshest.
•Variety. The smaller bags give you the flexibility to try more coffees.
If you are interested in larger quantities delivered weekly, contact us at wholesale@sharecoffeeroasters.com.
Is your coffee fair trade?
All of our coffee is purchased through transparent and quality-driven specialty coffee importers. While we do not adhere to purchasing “fair trade," all of our offerings are fairly traded. We always pay 2 to 3 times the “fair trade” price, often substantially more.
Is it organic?
We consciously source our coffee based on cup quality, environmental stewardship, and traceability. Some of the coffee we purchase is organically certified, but not all of it. Similar to vegetable farmers in the US, coffee growers cannot call their product organic without paying the certification fee. Depending on the size of the cooperative/farm, this may not be a feasible expenditure.
What is the difference between Comfort coffees and Adventure coffees?
This is our way of differentiating the taste profile of our customers' favorite coffees. Comfort is smooth and creamy while Adventure is juicy and vibrant. On our Coffees page, you can read more about the individual flavors found in each type we offer. And of course, you can easily change which bags you receive from week to week to try them all.
Do you offer wholesale quantities to cafes & restaurants?
Send us an email at wholesale@sharecoffeeroasters.com and we will get back to you shortly!