French Press
The French Press is one of the most straightforward brewers you can get. The tricky part is dialing in the grind which should look like very fine gravel. Once you nail this aspect, making great coffee is a walk in the park. Literally, if there's a small park right next to your house, you could go for a short walk while brewing.
Serves 1-2
- Bring at least 16 oz of water to boil.
- Measure 1/4 cup of fresh, whole bean coffee (1 oz). Grind coffee on a course setting and pour into press.
- Upon reaching a boil, measure 16 oz of water in measuring cup and pour over coffee.
- Set a timer for four minutes and allow coffee to steep. Once time is up, give the coffee a stir and put plunger in place.
- Press and serve.
Note: If brewing takes an excessively long time and the coffee tastes bitter/too concentrated, try using a coarser grind. Conversely, if it finishes too quickly and tastes too weak/sour, try a finer grind. If you are still unsatisfied with the results, adjust coffee amount to taste.